Monday, February 05, 2007

Here for questions

My Dear Readers,

I received a call last night from one of my clients asking me about starting up a business dealing with sweets, and she wondered what advice I was willing to offer.

Signature Sweet Shoppe is always happy to talk about what it takes to start a business or with any questions in general, so please feel free to email me.

Kindest regards,



Anonymous said...

I found you on Youtube. I am planning to open a cookie store outside of the US. You have really been a great help with your videos. Thankyou for going the extra mile to make frosting and baking fun:). I am sure I will have questions for you in the future....thanks for the fun:)

quinn said...

am jenny i think ur a very good cookie baker i love u so much ur my inspiration so can we be friends ive made some videos dicussing about u like u my business at home are cookies too can i ask u a question? if i sell cookies in pieces what is its price THANKS! love yah so much MWAH!